The season for yardwork is here. For some people that reads as a non-issue, but for others loads upon loads of labor could be at hand.  Here’s some things to consider before you crawl into bed and try to sleep through the entirety of autumn instead. Bagging Leaves Bagging leaves seems like the way to…

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When the house is clean, sometimes it’s nice to get a step ahead.  As the last weeks of warm weather set upon us, it might be nice to drag out the hose and give the old sled a nice polishing.  While automatic car washes are great, washing by hand gives you a couple advantages. WAX:…

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There are so many flooring surfaces types, and hardwood is a classic.  There are many approaches to taking care of this luxurious finish, some of which has to do with cleaning, and some which goes farther into non-regular product maintenance. When it comes to floor dirt, there are a lot of varieties: Dust/Dirt:  A light…

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As the windows fly open, and the memories of summer begin to set in, the great cooling weather and the stars in the sky become more evident as the leaves begin to fall.  The yard work increases for a short while, the kids go back to school, and the hearth of the home waits.  Cool…

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